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Posts tagged “school


Challenge(d)- Week 3

Challenge(d)- Week 3



It’s the end of week 3 for the Whole30 Nutrition Challenge and I definitely have accountability to thank for not faltering on my challenge goal and sticking to the nutritional guidelines. Lots of random cravings some are normal and others are just odd. But…I can honestly say that although it’s definitely been a challenge to not have a treat here or there, it’s allowed me to succeed in other areas.ย 

1) Going shopping in my own closet! (plus)

2) Seeing small changes! (plus)

3) Accepting & adhering to a challenge! (plus)

Now it’s not all sunshine and rainbows either. There are days when it would be easy to just have some ice cream or trail mix or etc but that’s the easy way and I like knowing I’m ย stronger than that. Whatever food item I think I need know will still be there tomorrow, next week, month or year so just keep holding strong!!!

1) saved money watching friends eat at lunches & dinners (plus) ๐Ÿ™‚

2) people will call you out if you’re offered junk (plus)

Work Flow:

And so the busy gets busier! Haha not quite sure how I’m going to fit it all in, but I seem to manage somehow so it’ll work out.

I’ll be doing gradschool, working in student affairs at the university, interning with Fashletics, working with the Parks & Rec Dept. doing facilities and special events and doing WERQ in the gym! ๐Ÿ™‚

Gym Chats:

I’ve been on a roll in the gym & feeling strong! I’ve done a couple workouts lately where it’s been quite taxing but the feeling of accomplishment is awesome!

1) Josh Taylor WOD

2) SeeFit WOD’s

3) Daily WOD’s ๐Ÿ™‚

I got a chance to train with some of the coaches today at my box and that was pretty freaking cool!

We worked on some heavy snatches and then did a WOD.

Goals: I want a triple digit SNATCH!!!!

I was able to push myself in the WOD & I was surprised at how well I did. I stuck with the “big dogs” and was only 2 min off my coach and he competes!


1000m row

20 Deadlifts (185/123) I used #125

30 Box Jumps (30″/24″) I used 24″

40 Front Squats (95/65) I used #65

Broad Jumps for 50m

800m run

**For every 5 minute in the gym you must do 10 Burpees & 1 rope climb to 15ft.**

I ended up having to do two rounds (Thank goodness)

Time: 17:43 ๐Ÿ˜‰

Give it a shot and see how you can push yourself!!

Until next time,

Grind Hard Live Fit!